My crew on Stage 1 Allan Dadvas, Alex Cachero & Princess Bismar, ( Blas Nolasco Jr was missing )

My idol Richie Osmeña and his beautiful BMW 1250

Stage 6 the very very long course :)

Blas Nolasco making beautiful eyes

Equipment check Here with IROA Gus Arroyo, Jimmuel and my good friend from Bacolod Lucho Giovanni

The Crazy white guy show his Danish NROI logo

I was stop at the check point on the way home, but one guy say, I know him this is Peter Munk, he is an shooter and IROA :) :)

Love those motorcykle, I fill so small with my 150CC haha

Rudy project from cebu was here

It all started at Munks Coffee Shop & Resto, when Jimmuel and Ermelino Parina had pick up our Range Master Rey Ganaban, they drop by and eat our famous Double Decker Burger

RZO III Richie Osmeña Cup
3 times this match will be held in iloilo and this time not only in Falcon Bay but also at R6 PSAI Shooting Range.
6 stages at Falcon Bay and 6 stages at R6 divided into Area 1 and 2 and I was selected to be the Area CRO for Area 1 very happy and honor of Range Master Rey Ganaban
Area 1 was on R6 stage 1-6 where stage 6 was used for the first time in a very long time, a really good nice long course, the shooters were completely out of breath when they came from this stage :)

But not enough I was Area CRO I was also on Equipment check with Gus Arroyo I actually enjoy being there checking all guns, PCC and MR.
It all started with Pre match Thursday the 18th where we shot all 12 stages
All stages were challenging and fun to shoot, maybe with the exception of stage 5, that stage no matter when and what match I shoot, it is the stage where everything goes wrong and this time without exception
My performance on this match could have been better, but I ended up in 2nd place in Super Senior.
After the Pre match we opened for regular shooters

The main match itself from the 19th to the 21st went good without problems, at Area 1 we had a popper calibration, a score challenge and a 1 DQ

On Saturday and Sunday, the rain stopped by at lunchtime and had some hevy rain, but it was quickly over, and with a little extra sand on the stages and a target change, they were ready to continue.
Unfortunately, there weren't as many shooters this time
132 Handgun
42 PCC
11 MR
A total of 185 shooters

We had a nice visit from, among others, Alfredo and Joanna as well as Luis Antonio Pible, always a pleasure to serve you

Again, I have a lot to thank for this match
First of all my big idol the man behind this match and with the coolest motorcycle BMW 1250 Richie Osmeña him self, you are just the guy and now in strips to and a big thank you to the whole Richie´s Team.