icarus shirts
Thank you to ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Thank you to ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Foto by Britta Kobler
Ready to clean up
Lars Hage my mentor did a good job
Jess Lund and a nice shirt from ICARUS
KB Svensen and a nice move
Time to change target
My crew
The price incl the Presiden´t Medals frame sponsor by classictarget.dk for the 1 price in all Senior divisions.
Price table I got the box with beer
Frants Pedersen got his Pm incl the frame in Open senior
In Standard overall. Michael Schütz got his win, Daniel Tilstöm got second place and his first medals in Quickborn, third was Mads Andersen
Production got Arne Lentz his Pm, second was Herbert Bettermann and third Lars Hagemann
Foto by Britta Kobler
Yes I got it
The indoor shooting range in Quickborn
That's what I call a shopping cart
I should drive with Jess Lund and Lars Hagemann, but chose to drive alone because I had to pass the tax free shop the border shop in Padborg, I had talked with my brother before I drove and he would love to have some cheap beer and cola, and when I packed the car I got 18 boxes mixed beer and water and a some kg candy. so it was probably good I drove alone.
I should first time stay at the Sports hotel located just site of the shooting range, normally I live in ETAP a few miles away from the range, it should prove to be an ok deal, it was nice that it was so close.
First shot on Saturday was at 09:00 so I was on the range at 08:00, I had to work as CRO together with two NROI from Germany, one NROI from Norway and one NROI from Sweden on 25 meter range to the right, where we had stage 1-4-7 and 10
The first few hours were very bad when ventilation was broken, so there was much lead in the air, and it's not so healthy (have an appointment at the lab to have taken a lead sample)
The first few hours were very bad when ventilation was broken, so there was much lead in the air, and it's not so healthy (have an appointment at the lab to have taken a lead sample)
There were 69 shooters in 4 squad so it went fairly quickly. The stages were pretty good, not so technical difficult, but still a lot to think about, you could save a few shooting positions if you had the right plan. The stage I was working on, we had the great pleasure of technic from Haiko as some of you know does not always work, and yes it was also the case this time, I simple dont understand way they use a technique that does not work, it is just a no go in IPSC match if that does not work then you should not use it, as simple as that.
It's always great to be in Quickborn and work for Tegge, Uli, Krone and be with the lovely shooters.
I also got the opportunity to shoot when there was time for it, and how did it go.
Foto by Britta Kobler
The two stage I fucked up was of course my own stage, stage 1 when there were 14 targets and 3 poppers, I forgot 2 target and stage 4, I had 2 miss, so I had almost made up my mind that I would not shoot the rest of the stays but shot Saturday the stays completed.
Sunday morning we had to start at 08:00 so I was there at 07:00 and got counted me until I was stood at 96% Senior, so I thought after a chat with my mentor Lars Hagemann and if I pulled myself together so it should probably go and I did and I shot the last stage really really good and not least sensible, I made no mistakes and it turned out that the it was home, the first President's Medals were in the house.
The two senior guys me and Frants Pedersen, my first Pm in 2013 and fourth in total