Thank you to my sponsor ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Thank you to my sponsor ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt
Photo taken by Odd Strengenes
Cleaning and prepare before the match
Photo taken by Odd Strengenes
Hans Petter Kvarsnes ready to rock
Photo taken by Odd Strengenes
Lars Hagemann is running a way
Mats Bäckström is shooting open
Open Division from left 3th place Herbert Bittermann, winner Frants Pedersen, 2th place Marijan Loch.
Production from left 3th place Lars Hagemann, winner Hans Petter Kvarsnes and2th place Odd Stengenes, Odd and Hans Petter is from Norway.
Photo taken by Odd Strengenes
In Standard from left, 3th place Anja Schuetz, winner Michael Schuetz and 2th place Oliver Spoerner
Photo taken by Odd Strengenes
Frants Pedersen was very surprice to get his 2th PM on this match and ask way, And because he also is a senior then he gets one more in the category Senior
Then it was the trip to this year’s first Level III match, as usually takes place in Quickborn in the region of Schleswig-Holstein.
I chose to drive alone down there this year, because when you are 4 people in one car with luggage is just to small , but it also went very well, I was just shopping for the restaurant first and at 13:00 I was ready to drive,
I hoped that after the last big snowfall that there would be so much snow on the way there, since I have not been changed to winter tires yet, but there was not any snow so it was perfectly fine.
I had two very small stop on the way down there and was in Quickborn at my hotel Etap at 17:30
Checked into the hotel first and drove as usual just a trip to the range to see if they needed a hand, but the range was closed, so I went to the big supermarket Famila near the hotel, just to pick up a couple Red Bulls and some chocolate, then drove back to the hotel.
A couple of us had dinner at the Italian restaurant that we're a little tired by now of that restaurant, you sit and wait for everything for the serving, food etc.
Saturday was so the first match day.
I have chosen this time to just shoot the match, normally I RO when I'm down here, but after the last match in November as I was allowed to shoot when there was time since I also work as RO, I obtained a2 place in Senior, so I got a taste for more, so now it was time to fight for the PM (Presidents Medals) and my first
I have not doing any practice since last November, and also I got brand new Magazine springs, which I had not had time to test, so it would be interesting to see how it would go
This year they had made 8 Stage 3 long courses, 3 medium and 2 course short courses with 137 shots.
There are 3 base two 25 meter range and a 100 meter range, so there's only place for 3-stage at a time so when you shot the three-stage, they have to re-built on, so in all there are 3 stage at each of the 25 meter range and two-stage at 100 meter range, there are four squad and I was in squad 1 the Dane squads with Lars Hagemann, Peter Scheick, Farnts Pedersen, Jess Lund, Michael Low, Christian Ditlev and our new Danish Open shooter: 0)) Eli Huttner from Daa.
We should start at one of the 25 range 13 shots and I was the first shooter and started little careful out but ok 2C, Stage 2 was ok 24 shots with 4 C, but came out on 100 meter range on a long course and got 1 miss , ummm. I had to fight now to be in the top, so I ended up ok with the last two stages with 1 D.
I was calculate points together to see where I stood, I had to battle a German shooter named Peter Hatje, he had 4 points more than me, so I have to kicked ass tomorrow.
The first match day was finished and I drove back to the hotel to take a bath for then meet with Frants, we would then pick up Peter Scheick and Mats Bäckstöm, we had to go to Hamburg to eat a good steak, but first we just took a long walk and enter into an electronics mall it was so big I have not seen anything of similar since I was in Japan. Puhaa you could spend several weeks there.
It was time for a good steak at Block- House, really well and good steak and bad for people who fucked us up and did not come.
Eli Huttner from DAA and his first math in Quickborn is ready to rock
Sunday the second and final match day
We had 3stage back a long course we have to start on a 24 shots and I started with a miss, so I thought now the game is finish for me, but my good friend Lars Hagemann, told me, you do not know if Peter Hatje shoot poorly and have two miss, so you just have to shoot the last two stage nice and clean, and on the second last stage, 9 shots with a swinger little slow but ok score, and the last stage I would not shot to fast and lose too much but was also aware that it would sit right in the closet, and it did , I got a 2 place overall on the stage.
When the match is now over and there should be counted together again, I count out, my second silver was home again,
BUT WAIT I had forgotten the last stage, so I count again, and of course the PM was now home
My first PM was the home and the feeling to get the first PM, it is the one we all shooting for, and now I have also one
Starting with the first match of the year and the first real match without being RO and could say so to walk around with the other shooters and then finish that way, so now there's been a taste for more, but I also know I should really be trained now, there are still some things that need to be done, but with good help from some videos from DAA, and a little chat with good shooting friends, so it should work.