I had sign me up to work on this match as Area CRO from Stage 1 to Stage 6
So my Range officer bag was packed and ready.
But got no use for it since Match Director Robert Andersson contacted me on facebook
Their normal Range Master Olle was out of town, so if there was one from Denmark who could take over his work as a Range Master, I could not resist and said thank you right away, I would very much like to take the job as Range Master, that’s the job I like, so now I had suddenly been renamed from the CRO to Range Master, a job that I was proud to take over from Olle.
I've been on this match for many years as RO and Area CRO and now RM nice.
Gothenburg Open "Putte" Memorial

Gothenburg Open "Putte" Memorial

Hans "Putte" Sären
The reason way the match is calling Putte Memorial is from a old shooter Hans "Putte" Sären, multiple Swedish champions Died on may 22, 2008 after a short period of illness.
Putte was one of the pioneers of practical shooting. He was with from the beginning and shaped the shooting, which we now call dynamic shooting. Putte was for many years both a board member of our union and in Gothenburg Dynamic shooter.
Gothenburg Dynamic shooter desire every year Gothenburg Open will from now on have the name Gothenburg Open "Putte" memorial.

I drove from Copenhagen Friday morning at 4 am with my good friend the driver Jesper Thor, Claus Stahnke and Ulrik Saxhøj, Claus who should be RO on stage 8 and Ulrik Area CRO from stage 11 to 13
We arrived in Gothenburg at 8:45 am here we went through all the stages before we have to start the pre - match, and after only a few simple adjustments we were ready to shoot, I had brought my new RangePack Pro from, Double Alpha and can highly recommend this, very pleasant, plentiful and spacious room for everything you need, it's a little bit bigger than a normal range bag, that was what Jesper said when we packed the car :0)) I will have a review of this RangePack later on this website.
Well, we started with the pre - match and I were on squad with 17 with Mikael Östling and Claus Stahnke. We had over 13 stages to shoot and with a break for lunch at Burger King we were finished at about 6pm my performance I will come back with that later.
The match also had a fine visit with the ex-world champion in standard Travis Tomasie, and Champion Max Michel who had a course over three days with some Swedish shooter, Travis and Max shoot also the pre-match, and not surprise Travis won in Standard and Max in Open.

Nice dinner
After the pre-match I had to do some RM work with briefings and stage drawings before I could drive to the hotel. Jesper, me and Claus should stay at Hotel Formule1, about 20 minutes drive from the range.
The worst hotel I have ever used, dirty and nothing works and lousy breakfast never stay in that hotel.
Well, we spend the evening in Gothenburg city and fine a very nice Italian restaurant and got a fantastic chanterelle soup.

Stage 11 á good stage
After a good night's sleep
We arrived at the range Saturday at 7:30 am RO briefing at 8am and the first shot at 9am we had 4 IROA and 1 NROI from Denmark working on this match, so we had a good team with a bunch of Swedish NROI and helpers so everything was all set.
There were a total of 13 squad with a total of 169 shooter and 61 shooter in the pre-match so a total of 230 shooters. Approximately 54000 shots on 115 targets and 9 steel targets. Stages were really good stage there might have been a little more challenge in them, almost all the stages were shot in one way.
I personally like the stage to be more challenges and also in order to analyze the stage how to shoot them. and there was not really any opportunity to do so, and the stages were also mostly based on speed, because as my shooting friend Jack Romer so well said on his website (this year there were more surprises in the top of both standard and production and it is perhaps due to some top shooter had changed division and that others might have done? Another explanation might be that the design stage through-honored speed, which can be seen on hit factor, stage 6 of 28 shots had a hit factor more than 9 in production, 11 in standard and 11.5 in open, the average HF was 8 and it is actually unusually high for a level 3 match.)

Jesper Thor Slaarup ready to rock
Over these two days of main match which went very well, we had 4 totals DQ
My job as RM was also really good, shooters behaved as most do very nicely and there were no problems with anything so it's really good.
The RO did a great job, there was a lot of new Swedish NROI which I had to analyze doing the match and they did it all very well, so a big thanks to all of you for a great job as all can be proud of.
The weather was also with us, they had promised lots of rain but it came at night so there was nothing to put a finger on here.
And after a schedule talk with MD Robert, I must say that the plan complied with the minute and second so even here there was nothing to complain about.
The only thing that was and they know it too well, it was the kitchen, there were new owners and they were not very easy to talk to, so it only gets better for next time.

Photo by Jack Rømer
Standard Nordic Chapm. In the middle Lars- Tony Skoog, second place on the left, Ralf K. Jensen and third place Rasmus Gyllenberg
For the actual awards ceremony was certainly no surprise that Max Michel USA won in open and second place for Johan Nordberg, third place to Kyrre lee, Nordic Champion was Johan Nordberg
The standard was of course Travis Tomasie USA, in second place Lars-Tony Skoog and third place our own champ Ralf K. Jensen, Nordic Champion Lars-Tony Skoog and third place Rasmus Gyllenberg, who had changed the division's production from the standard with its prod gun nice done Rasmus, but it gave space for our Danish friend Lars Hagemann in production that made his first Gothenburg Open "Put" Memorial Presidents medals, second place went to Remo Schraner from switzerland and third place to Magnus Johansson, Nordic champion went to Lars Hagemann.

Hilde Nakling , Lene Olaug Kråkø and Norah Josephsen
In Lady category got our new Danish female shooter Nor ah Josephsen an impressive third place in the standard and it came as a big surprise for her, first it was her first Level III match and her third matches in total, then Norah normal shooting production, but was transferred by mistake into standard and was now number three and got his first medal a huge congratulations to her and there is a huge hopeful for Norah has she gone from a hoppy in Fitness and in 2007 won the WNBF - World Championship 3rd INBF pro Figure - World Championship Ms. Fit Body 1st & OVERALL and now in 2012 to start the new hoppy in IPSC is something of a leap but here we have a young woman who knows his stuff and a warm welcome to Norah.

In the Senior category as all the media forgets won Crister Back from Sweden the presidents medals and second place to my friend Gert Hansen third place to Thomas Ekstrand, Nordic Champion is Christer, I got a fourth place. The Open was the Danish Senior John Westgard second place after Rolf Lönn.

My own performance with the shooting was ok, just my first to stages was not so good, I got my first miss on stage 1 which was a speed shoot with 9 target with one shot in each target and a miss on stage 2 with 6 target, gun unloaded on barrel with magazines to be used, two target on the left side and two on the right side, then you bend down to take a rope and pulls two target up about 10 feet away with no shoot at, here you had the choice to shoot with a strong hand or staple the wire on your magazine holder and shoot with two hands, that I chose and got a miss :0( and it cost me the third place in Senior
I had some really good stages, but the best stage I had was stage 4, it was a long course 15 target, 1 popper of 15 - 30 meters away depending on where you took it from.
The start position on a bridge a window to the left with two target window to the right with tree target then a popper and full speed out there and clock vice the rest of the target, fun stage with the pulse of max. My time was 29.55 with 30 A and 1 C and a stage % of 68, 87
I ended up in the match with 83.65% in the Senior category, and 62.02% overall
My next level III match will be Rooster Mountain and from next month I will go into a deep deep training and try to improve my self.
Again I will say thanks to the organization of Gothenburg Open the MD Robert Andersson, Stats Officer Mats Karlsson, the two stats helper Mikael Ôstling and his wifeAngelica, ProjectLeader Johan Nordberg, and QM Peter Farkas.

icarus shirt
Thank you to my sponsor ICARUS SHIRTS the best ipsc shirt

Photo by Thomas Andersen
My Area CRO Gert Erling Hansen and me

team from switzerland
Here am standing with the team from switzerland from left is Remo Schraner, Annamaria Zanardi, me, Serenella Riedi and Peter Haas

Double A :0)
Claus shows here that there is no such thing as long shots and gets an A

The absolute best RangePack on the market right now from DAA. I will have a review of this rangePack later on this website

Team Lotte
Here are a squad with, among others Lotte Harvest Sjøholm and John Westgaard in white shirt from Denmark, this is Lotte's first Level III match and she did very well

Rasmus Gyllenberg
Is waving

Load and make ready
John Westgaard and CRO Mark Weisinger

I love this sport
Ohh Jesper say I love this sport, but my amo is not working ore maybe its me

Team winner
Nordic champion in standard silver for Denmark, gold to Sweden and bronze to Norway

PM Hagemann
A Happy Lars Hagemann got PM in front of the Swiss production shooter Remo Schraner and third place Magnus Johansson